Episode 2 - A Community of Love

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The other thing you could do is if you know somebody else in the church who is in a small group, you could talk to them about their small group. Maybe that would be a good one to start off by trying out if there's somebody in a group that you already know, but however you do it, we would very much encourage you to get involved in

a small group.

I think it's also worth saying the, the people who lead small groups in our church are just an amazing group of people. They are welcoming and friendly. And they love Jesus and they are really passionate about helping people to, to grow in, in relationship and grow in love with Jesus. And these are really, really good people and they're not kind of intimidating or scary.

So yeah, if you come and come and speak to us, We would love to put you in touch with some of these people cuz they are great. They're

real and ordinary people, aren't they? They're not specially trained. They're not super giants. They're, they're just

really cool. No, but they're people who love Jesus. And, and if you spend enough time loving Jesus, you end up being a super giant,

Episode 2 - A Community of Love
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